GHM Open -> 2021 Vol.1(No.2)
Original Article
Burden of cancer attributable to tobacco smoke in Japan in 2015
Katanoda K, Hirabayashi M, Saito E, Hori M, Abe SK, Matsuda T, Inoue M; the Cancer PAF Japan Collaborators
GHM Open. 2021; 1(2):43-50.
DOI: 10.35772/ghmo.2021.01013
Burden of cancer attributable to consumption of alcohol in Japan in 2015
Hirabayashi M, Sawada N, Abe SK, Saito E, Hori M, Katanoda K, Matsuda T, Inoue M; the Cancer PAF Japan Collaborators
GHM Open. 2021; 1(2):51-55.
DOI: 10.35772/ghmo.2021.01014
Burden of cancer attributable to excess bodyweight and physical inactivity in Japan in 2015
Hirabayashi M, Abe SK, Sawada N, Saito E, Hori M, Katanoda K, Matsuda T, Inoue M; the Cancer PAF Japan Collaborators
GHM Open. 2021; 1(2):56-62.
DOI: 10.35772/ghmo.2021.01015
Burden of cancer attributable to infection in Japan in 2015
Lin Y, Wang C, Kikuchi S, Akita T, Tanaka J, Abe SK, Hirabayashi M, Saito E, Hori M, Katanoda K, Matsuda T, Inoue M; the Cancer PAF Japan Collaborators
GHM Open. 2021; 1(2):63-69.
DOI: 10.35772/ghmo.2021.01016
Burden of cancer attributable to insufficient vegetable, fruit and dietary fiber consumption in Japan in 2015
Ishihara J, Takachi R, Abe SK, Hirabayashi M, Saito E, Hori M, Katanoda K, Matsuda T, Inoue M; the Cancer PAF Japan Collaborators
GHM Open. 2021; 1(2):70-75.
DOI: 10.35772/ghmo.2021.01018
Burden of cancer attributable to air pollution in Japan in 2015
Hori M, Katanoda K, Ueda K, Nakaya T, Saito E, Abe SK, Hirabayashi M, Matsuda T, Inoue M; the Cancer PAF Japan Collaborators
GHM Open. 2021; 1(2):76-84.
DOI: 10.35772/ghmo.2021.01022
Brief Report
Burden of cancer attributable to consumption of highly salted food in Japan in 2015
Takachi R, Ishihara J, Abe SK, Hirabayashi M, Saito E, Hori M, Katanoda K, Matsuda T, Inoue M; the Cancer PAF Japan Collaborators
GHM Open. 2021; 1(2):85-90.
DOI: 10.35772/ghmo.2021.01017
Burden of cancer attributable to excess red and processed meat consumption in Japan in 2015
Abe SK, Takachi R, Ishihara J, Hirabayashi M, Saito E, Hori M, Katanoda K, Matsuda T, Inoue M; the Cancer PAF Japan Collaborators
GHM Open. 2021; 1(2):91-96.
DOI: 10.35772/ghmo.2021.01019
Burden of cancer attributable to exogenous hormone use in Japan in 2015
Hirabayashi M, Nagata C, Abe SK, Sawada N, Saito E, Hori M, Katanoda K, Matsuda T, Inoue M; the Cancer PAF Japan Collaborators
GHM Open. 2021; 1(2):97-101.
DOI: 10.35772/ghmo.2021.01020
Burden of cancer attributable to never breastfeeding in Japan in 2015
Hirabayashi M, Nagata C, Abe SK, Saito E, Hori M, Katanoda K, Matsuda T, Inoue M; the Cancer PAF Japan Collaborators
GHM Open. 2021; 1(2):102-105.
DOI: 10.35772/ghmo.2021.01021